Stuff About Me
I am a slave to sugar
I identify with the villain
I find comfort in thunderstorms
I seek out fear for truth
10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003
11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003
01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004
02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004
03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004
05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004
06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004
07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004
08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004
10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004
11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005
01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005
02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005
03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005
06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005
04/01/2007 - 05/01/2007
Gig Matrix
Dream Theater home
Slashdot - news for nerds
Just Like Therapy?
A little bit o' Dave each day
2 cousins - separated at birth
Quotes from the Ranman
Ligature - Seeking Harmony from Chaos
Temporary Wisdom
Dave 2 - angry at the world for stealing his blog title ideas
... A a new world of Candy and Monsters... 


Here are some of the reasons that I love halloween. In no particular order.

1) Zombies rule!
2) werewolves rule!
3) Giant monkeys rule!
4) giant fish-things from dark pools of water rule!
5) Yes, even vampires rule. Mostly.
6) naturally preserved, bandage-wrapped walking corpses rule!
7) Giant lizard creatures rule!
8) artificial humans constructed from corpse parts rule!
9) Ghosts, goblins, and the sundry other imps that bounce around rule!
10) the beginning of Samhain rules!

Things that do NOT rule include:
1) lame costumes. I actually saw one at the halloween store that is a giant piece of poop. It's called "Oh Sh#t! Then there's a giant piece of poop with bull horns, called - you guessed it - "BullSh#t!" (yes, the exclamation point and pound symbol are indeed part of the COPYRIGHTED name. I checked. They actually copyrighted this.) I believe there is also a "Holy Sh#t!," complete with halo and collar.

2) people that think Halloween is bad, or evil, or is dragging the world into the 10th level of hell. It's really not so bad, actually - just kind of warm and damp, like when you haven't put your clothes in the dryer for long enough. I think it's actually where accountants go. Now if you went to the 14th level.. HOOO BOY!

3) jerks who wreck halloween by poisoning candy, abducting children, or riding around
drunk in their dad's corvette, throwing beer bottles at the dark houses. You my friends, suck.

This list is open to revision at any time. SO BEWARE!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Posted by sarcophage @ 5:12:00 PM

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see subject line. (please note: this post was revised due to my stupidity)

Posted by sarcophage @ 6:12:00 PM

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I have to pee I have to pee I have to pee.

Ok, I am going to brag like a FUCKING MANIAC now. I screwed up my Xbox majorly, MAJORLY about 10 days ago. (that's not the bragging part). I was trying to upgrade some of the things it can do ( for more), and
it didn't work the first time (which is typical), but I got mad and just yanked the upgrade chip out so I could go back to the original Xbox state, and at least watch a DVD on it.

Well, I messed up. I yanked out a number of (that number being 5) very IMPORTANT connection points on the circuitboard. Like out, off, man overboard, electrical roadkill. And that Xbox was suddenly deader n' a doornail after nuclear winter. I weeped like a little girl (and strangely like Jim Baker).

Ok, now's the bragging part. I fixed it. Put that thing back together and it didn't work.. worked on it some more, didn't work, didn't work, didn't work. Then I THOUGHT about how I was fixing it, and changed my ways and BAM!! Didn't work. But then...!! then... THEN I remembered I had to plug it in.

BAM! (2) It worked! Of course, given that I had already modified it in the first place, and I had not changed some of the software settings that were expecting that upgrade chip to still be there, it didn't actually work all the way, but it turned on and gave me a rather rude error message, and that was good enough for me.

Fast forward to yesterday. This morning, actually. That sucka is WORKIN'! I got a new chip all set in there, got the software reconfigured and it's frickin' working! And NOW I can play XboxLive! games, and I have this kick ass blue led light that goes on to remind me that the chip is active. That little light has an on/off switch, too, so I can revert the thing back to its original, Microsoft virginal state. (get it? Microsoft - virginal - ! I am a fucking comedic genius).


(what the hell are those "v"s doing in there?)

Anyway, this is All Good. Now I can start working on modding that little robotic vacuum thing. Or TiVo. Hm...

Posted by sarcophage @ 6:11:00 PM

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Anthrax (the band, not the cattle disease. I think) "We've Come For You All"

I am listening to the new Anthrax album for the 2700th time since I got it. This album RULES. There has nigh been more all-encompassing ruling since the days of the Ming Dynasty.

This album is the perfect ass-kicking driving music that White Zombie's La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Volume 1* only wishes it could be! Seriously, if Natty Gann had been listening to this Anthrax album, her little Journey wouldn't have been such a BORING trip.

Every track on this record is almost a rock anthem - the titles are perfect - Anyplace But Here, (You Cannot Kill) What Doesn't Die, We've Come For You All...

Anthrax was preparing itself to go the way of Hoof and Mouth disease awareness, but they've brought themselves back to Susan B. Komen Breast Cancer level with this album. Anthrax needs no white powder in an envelope, they have a red guitar and the truth! Er, wait.

Posted by sarcophage @ 3:55:00 PM

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Walking tall in the marsh of tall reeds..

It's 1:00pm on Friday.
I haven't eaten anything since yesterday at 5pm, and I just suddenly noticed
I might be hungry. If a full stomach is a California Golden Condor floating effortlessly
over the beautiful redwood forest, I am that only-14-left bird that was "accidentally" shot by a blind DEER hunter, plummeting to the earth - high speed dirt.

What's the deal with that? This happens when I'm really
tired, too, but I don't even realize it until I can hardly stand up anymore, and
my eyes have long since swollen shut.

Why is it so easy - involuntarily, I might add - for me to ignore my basic bodily needs?

Or perhaps the question should be: Why is this considered so strange by all people?

Actually, I think it's starting to become: Where's the beef?
Yep, that's definitely it.

Posted by sarcophage @ 12:58:00 PM

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Train of Thought

I love to type stream of consciousness and just let things flow out of... my um... that thing.
Oh, this is gonna be real good.

Ok, so there's this band I like. Dream Theater, they're called. Most people can't handle
the supposedly high-pitched vocals. They say (affect an annoying blondes-at-lunch voice) "Oh, somebody's still really into the 80s?" Fuck that. They don't even sound like the 80s. It's JUST THAT HE SINGS
HIGHER THAN THAT ASSHOLE FROM STAIND. Because that's what hard rock is "supposed" to sound
like. This year, anyway.

If we haven't grown to a place where you can listen to all different types of music with different
singing styles, then we haven't grown very much as a society, have we? Oh wait, we haven't.

Anyhow, Dream Theater has a new album coming out in November called Train of Thought. One of my
friends from the DT webpage/bootleg trading circuit forwarded me an mp3 of one of the songs, which
I've been listening to over and over again for about an hour, mostly because I haven't bothered to
stick another one in there.

I don't like it.

That scares me a little bit, because the reason I don't like it is because it's SO metal. But it's
also very watered-down metal... sounding quite a bit like stardate 1991 Metallica, but it just
doesn't work. It's LAME. That's the problem. Crap.

I guess this is what I get for listening to all those bands like Cibo Matto and Imani Coppola lately...
I thought I was getting LESS picky as a music listener by checking out so many different styles, but I guess crap is crap, no matter what you wipe with.

Posted by sarcophage @ 10:48:00 PM

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2nd post of the day.

Hm. I tried making a little "signature" thing like in forum posts, but it's not gonna work. That sucks.

"Man," I cried, "how ignorant art thou in thy pride of wisdom!"
- Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
Igor: It's times like this that I remember what my old dad used to say.
Dr. Friedrich von Frankenstein: What was that?
Igor: "What the hell are you doing in the bathroom all day and night? Why don't you get out of there and give someone else a chance?"
- Marty Feldman, Gene Wilder - "Young Frankenstein"

Posted by sarcophage @ 10:37:00 PM

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Cool, you can edit these things after you've posted one blank like a damn fool.

Well, I did it. I started a damned blog.

Mostly because my wife is out of town and I'm tired of cleaning up the place for guests next weekend.
I need to start working on this halloween thing. I just read another blog that comments on how
Hallo'een largely excludes non-white people. Considering it is a
rather european holiday, I guess that's to be expected. I wonder how little kids who aren't white
reconcile their skin colors in their costumes if they want to be a white character for Hallow's Eve.

I know. They DON'T CARE. What I mean by this is that kids don't notice this sort of stuff - it is only when parents and others of authority bring it up that kids suddenly become infected with this idea that it is somehow relevant at ALL the amount of melanin in our skin. Once that idea is in there, it's in your face, all the time - it's not like you can ignore something like that. Or can you.? Do dogs care about the color of fur around the butt they're sniffing? I doubt it.

Of course, maybe that's not the greatest example. :)

All this costume and candy stuff is beside the point, anyway - Hallo'een is all about scaring away evil spirits who roam the earth on that haunted eve... or it's about letting them loose, whichever you prefer.

I'm definitely leaning towards the more sinister.

Posted by sarcophage @ 10:30:00 PM

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